Perennial Comic Nomenclature Relief
- Rodgersia
- Rodger's Fingerleaf Flower; Big
leathery palm leaf thing that hasn't
flowered yet!
- Rudbeckia
- Blacke-eye Susan or the Yellow
Coneflower with the dark or green eye.
- Sagina - Pearlword, Irish
Moss; Your very own personal golf green!
- Salvia - Violet Sage or
Hardy Blue Salvia; or man change the cat
liter...cat pea everywhere.
- Santolina - Lavender
Cotton; a minature silver tree ready to
layer with xmas cheer.
- Saponaria - Rock
Soapwort; and it spreads so nicely like
friendly gonorhea.
- Saxifraga - Mossy
Rockfoil; hen & chix with wonderly
pastel flowers.
- Scabiosa - Pincushion
Flower; shades of blue to violet, but not
needles or thread.
- Sedum - Stonecrop; the
short is usually invasive, the tall like
fall cabbage. Just the plant to overtake
the neighbor's yard.
- Semperivrens - Hens &
Chix; Houseleeks. Pretty uncackled
rosettes. No rotten eggs here.
- Sidalcea - Checkerbloom,
Prairie Mallow; no jumping kings on this
- Silene - Maiden Tears or
Catchfly - Cushion Pinks; imitation
garden pinks.
- Stachys - Lamb's ear,
Woundwort, Betony; So wooly soft you
might want to shear it and make a
- Stokesia - Stokes Aster;
Pincushion like.