Perennial Comic Nomenclature Relief
- Gaillardia
- Blanket Flowers; sometimes called
indian paint brush; from yellow tips to
red pedtals to a fuzzy yellow center.
- Geranium -
Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium; Clumpy,
sometimes sprawling mats of brilliant red
to purple single daisies...not to be
confused with the annual strongly scented
types. (Except for Walter who is so
scented he make the black flies and
mosquites rush for relief.
- Geum -
Avens or Grecian Rose. A refreshing
stemmy layer of red or yellow rounded
- Globularia
- Blue Globe Daisy; Stiff dome shaped
quilled globes...like a thistle.
- Grasses -
Ornamentals; If not quaking, then
fescuing, or feathering reeds to blue
oats, to imperal red japanese, or snowy
woods, or invasive ribbons, and onto
waving wands of silver miscanthus. It is
the texture that makes the difference.
- Gypsophila
- Baby's Breath; creeping to tall for cut
flowers in puffy pink or white billowy