Perennial Comic Nomenclature Relief
Lamium - Deadnettle, or
Archangel; that ivy like groundcover with
the white frosty variegated leaves and
pink or white flowers.
Lathrus - Sweet
Everlasting Pea; That pink pea climbing
wildly along the roadside.
Liatris - Blazing Gay
Feathers; a wave of bushy foxtails
adorning the hillside.
Ligularia - Groundseal;
the tall yellow Rocket
Limonium - Statice or Sea
Lavender. Everyone needs to attain a
Linum - Flax; tall
slender stems, sprawling out with a great
succession of the cutest wedgewood blue
Lobelia - Cardinal or
Indian Pinks; the red ones will only
survive in the wet wild, the blues ones
are just the opposite (riding the train
Lunaria - Money Plant or
the Silver Dollar; and they say money
doesn't grow on trees.. that's right...it
grows on a plant.
Lupine - Texas
Bluebonnet; the showly cone like torch
with the very strong pea aroma.
Lychnis - Catchfly,
Campion, Maltese Cross; will just Lick
this! It make a field look a fire and
fluffywith snow.
Lysimachia - Gooseneck
Loosestrife or Shepherd's Crook; Tall
hanging white necks or on the ground in a
circle of yellow flower, or creeping
along Jenny.
Lythrum - Purple
Looestrife; fills the swamp land and
marsh with deep rich magenta.
- Malva -
Musk Mallow; mini hibiscus in a spitting
profusion of pink or white color.
- Matricaria
- Feverfew (another Chrysanthemum) with
clusters of yellow or white bunches and
such strong, tearful aroma. Just break
out in a sweat thinking about it.
- Mertensia
- Virginia Bluebells or Cowslips; a marsh
lover for the shade.
- Monarda -
Wild Bergamot; Hooded whorls for the
birds, and the bees, and butterflies, and
the hummers.
- Myosotis -
Forget-me-not; How can I.