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- X-Y-Z

Perennial Comic Nomenclature Relief
- Echinacea
- Cone Flowers ( not Rudbeckia) but the
purple and white ones. Also called
Hedgehog Coneflowers for the big center
stiff cone. Loves the priarie!
- Echniops -
Violet Globe Thistle; Looks like
thistle...prickly too!
- Edelweiss
- Leontopodium actually. Nice song, odd
looking flower... very like a short lion
- Erigeron -
Fleabane; another daisy, but the pink
Jewel is very showy. Profusion is the
spanish daisy...wiry ground cover with
tons of the itis tiny flowers.
- Erinus -
Fairy Foxglove; nor to be confused with
Uranus (the Planet). Tight mounded ground
cover that looks suspiciuously like
creeping phlox.
- Erynigum-
Blue Cap Sea Holly; fat glossy leaves
with glowing lilac blue thistle cones.
Eye catching.
- Euphorbia
- Milkweed or Spruge; It gowes tall into
a cushiony green shrub or low and fleshy
blue donkeytails.