Aconitum -
Monkshood; Deadly Hooded Stick
Adenophora -
Lilyleaf Ladybell, and her winding
fingers into everyone else's display
Aegopodium -
Bishop's Weed; I got it in my yard, can't
wait to get rid of it, my neighbor is
dying to have it but is too cheap to pay
me to did it up. And even after I did it
up, the stuff grows back!
Agastache -
Liquorice Hyssop, Giant smellyLiquorice
on a big Stick
Agrostemma -
Blushing campion; vibrant magenta crown
that hates the wet
Ajuga -
Bugleweed; Snake Haven
Alcea -
Hollyhock; six foot mallow with such
prettey hibiscus flowers and such nasty
rusty leaves.
Alchemilla -
Lady's Mantle, Five cut palm with those
tiny greeny yellow thingies
Alyssum or
Aurina - Basket of Gold; Confused Gold
Anacyclus - Mat
Daisy; Silvery leaves with those lovely
red/white reversed flowers
Anaphalis -
Pearly Everlasting; Nothing everlasting
about it
Anchusa -
Bugloss - Italian Alkanet; Label says
it's short, grows nearly six feet tall
Androsace - Rock
Jasmine, short tufted wierd little hen
& chick
Anemone -
Windflower; Wirery fall flowering single
petal bush that can be soo overpowering
Antennaria -
Pussy Toes, Cat's ear; Fuzzy Claws that
take forever to amount to anything.
Anthemis -
Golden Marguerite, Ox-eye Chamomile;
Yellow daisy Hedge
Aquilegia -
Columbine; The thing with dangling
trumpet flowers
Arabis -
Rock/wall Cress; that early spring
flowering Rockcress that makes a great
Arenaria -
Sandwort; green hairy stuff filled with
loads of white flowers.
Armeria - Sea
Pinks - Thrift; Lovely short pink balls
on a stick
Artemisia -
Silvermound; Fuzzy silvery puff ball that
the birds love to pick to death
Aruncus -
Goatsbeard; that tall Astilbe looking
Asclepias -
Butterfly weed; that bright orange flower
cluster that you didn't know you had
until it showed itself in mid july
Aster -
Spring/Fall flowering Daisy; Mixed
red/blue/pink/purple yellow centered
daisy-----pick one
Astilbe - False
Spirea; that pretty foxy coned shape tail
that loves the shade
Aubrieta - False
Rockress; Purple Knockers