Perennial Comic Nomenclature Relief
- Daylily -
Hemerocallis; they flower once, or
twice...the nice trumpets
- Delphinum
- Candle Larkspur; Those wonderful spikes
of the double blooms with the matching or
contrasting bee (eye). They sway with the
wind, until you stake them from crashing
- Dianthus -
Pinks, Border Carnations; Maidens, Sweet
Williams, Clover, China, Cheddar (not
cheese), Cottage, or Picotee....all
shades of pink, purple, white, and red
blooms atop evergreen blue or green
foliage. And they bloom all summer!
- Dicentra -
Bleeding Hearts; Old Fashion
(Spectabile), Fringed-Wild (Eximia), Or
even Western (Formosa) &
(Luxuriant)...Yee Ha!
- Digitalis
- Foxgove; Biennial ( Lasts 2 years) or
the dwarf yellow types (Lasting longer)
or the Strawberry Fest (Martonensis)
lasting a lot longer. They fill out fast,
can rot very easily.
- Doronicum
- Leopard's Bane; Bright yellow daisy
similar to a bushy lion's Mane.